Skilled Nursing Care from Certified Nursing Assistants, CNA, and Offering Elder Care in Douglasville, Marietta GA, DeKalb County, Atlanta, Alpharetta, and Surrounding Areas

Assured & Associates Personal Care only employs the most qualified Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses to care for our patients. Our staff provides compassionate elderly care and more to residents of Douglasville and senior living. Get in touch with us today to learn how to get started.

In-Home Skilled Nursing Care

In-home skilled nurses provide many of the services your loved one needs while remaining in the comfort of their home, from medication supervision to complex cases like brain injuries and paraplegic care. The goal is to provide help with their medical care and equipment to remain healthy and out of the hospital.

Skilled Nursing Services performed by Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)

When medical providers prescribe specific nursing skills, Assured & Associates can help match the right in-home RN or in-home LPN. In-home RN services can be especially beneficial as RN’s can monitor healing and communicate with doctors regarding issues or possible changes needed to enhance or improve care.

  • RN/LPN assessments
  • Supervision of medications, both prescription & OTC
  • Hourly care for individuals needing a higher level of care
  • Supervisory visits
  • Case management

Specialized Treatments

  • Wound care
  • Spinal cord & brain injuries
  • Paraplegia/quadriplegia diagnosis
  • Bowel & bladder management
  • Ostomy support and maintenance
  • Post-surgical recovery
  • In-home catheter care
  • IV infusion
  • Burn wound care
  • Tracheotomy vents

In-Home CNA Care

In-home CNA services provide relief to many individuals and their families by helping with daily tasks that might be difficult or would otherwise require moving into assisted living. For example, we can make and serve three meals a day, provide transportation to all appointments, lock the doors at night, or do anything else that gives you peace of mind. While we do have some programs and packages available, each family can create the proper customized plan that works for their situation.

  • Preparing meals and snacks
  • Light housekeeping and laundry
  • Medication supervision and doctor appointments
  • Bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Carrying out bedtime routines
  • Errands, shopping, and entertainment outings
  • Doctor appointments
  • Companionship

In-Home Care Services

At Assured & Associates Personal Care of Georgia, our in-home care services are about making sure our clients get the in-home care services tailored to their needs.  We are focused on providing professional, personalized care for every patient in the comfort of their home. We are committed to caring for our patients as if they were members of our own families. We represent the heart and soul of home health care.

Call us today to schedule a Home Health Care visit
