Every household will have an elderly person that requires special attention around the house. It might not be possible for every family member to dedicate their time to these people; This is where our caregivers at Assured and Associates come in. We are a premier home care agencies that have made quite a name for itself when it comes to taking quality care of patients while enhancing their independent lifestyle and total well-being. Since our inception, we have always strived to provide the best and the most affordable in-home nursing and health care services to all our customers. Over the years, we have been able to increase our client base and have a lot of repeat customers due to the highest standards of service provided by our caregivers with the most compassion and professionalism.
Below we have mentioned a few common services for which we provide in-home care. Take a look.
- Catastrophic care
This kind of service comes with a lot of stress as well as challenges. Dealing with patients with catastrophic care requires a lot of patience, care, and empathy as the patient is already in a very vulnerable situation. We have a package that streamlines the need for transportation and housing along with various medical care so that the patient gets as much Peace of Mind and independence as required by him.
- Wound care
many times, after a serious accident the person can be inflicted with a severe wound that requires a long time to heal and needs constant proper medical intervention. In such complex and delicate injuries, our caregivers provide specialized treatment to not only avoid infection but to also speed the healing process.
So, if you live in the regions of Douglasville, Alpharetta, Marietta, GA, DeKalb County, and Atlanta and are looking for a professional in-house caregiver for your loved ones, you can get in touch with us.